Until you walk home

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Rainy evenings are a menace and cause innovation
When it’s a rainy evening and you stay in my hood, you got to think about the long ride home. Long ride starts from trekking from office to the taxi park, if you are lucky enough you would find taxis which you will need some strength to flex. Unlucky fellas don’t find the taxis so that means it’s a long wait in a soggy park.
You think about other options to reach home and all possible means are not available or a bit expensive on a busy evening well if you don’t earn that much you think twice. Forty minutes wait is the least if patient enough but it could go an hour or so.
With all the anger and rage in your head, boom an idea of I think I can walk to the nearest stage or get a bike.
One fateful evening I find myself in this bull***t and very eager to reach home after a long day at work. I put my walking shoes on and boom off I was on the trail to a 15KM journey on my feet.
One step at a time! Started slowly bag on the back, music playing and I was on the road. As my music intensified my speed increased as well. Refreshing my mind, thinking about policies that are not functional, my family, my life, my goals, my career and oh the children of, course, that’s last resort, couldn’t think about a boyfriend because yeah I have no one to call my own(sad emoji).
Passing all vehicles stuck in traffic, (yes my city can have a three- hour traffic) looked at these people they were lucky they got cars but they were unluckily stuck. At first, I thought I couldn’t make it and then low behold I was just 5KMs from my house.
No hurting legs back had stretched, the mind had healed, and got new ideas for a new fundraising function, spiritually upright and yeah I felt I could be superwoman and save lives but nyeee.
Walking is good for your health in every sense of health. Not everyone who is walking cannot afford the taxi, no, it is one way of connecting to feelings that had been lost, revive your emotions and empathy back to normal.

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